Kyu (kyu-0) Publisher

Install latest/stable of PokeMMO

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install pokemmo

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Channel Version Published

Multiplayer Nintendo DS and GBA game emulator

This is the official snap for PokeMMO, a turn-based MMORPG. PokeMMO is an online-only emulator for several popular Nintendo DS & Game Boy Advance games, allowing you to play, talk, fight, and trade with other players in real time. PokeMMO supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, with tens of thousands of players online daily in a cross-play environment

PokeMMO requires certain third-party ROM files to play. Visit https://pokemmo.com/downloads/linux/ for the current list of ROM files compatible with the game

This game requires a constant internet connection. Usage of this program requires an account with https://pokemmo.com/ and requires you to accept the PokeMMO Terms of Service at login. Visit https://pokemmo.com/tos and https://pokemmo.com/privacy for service terms

For technical support, please visit https://support.pokemmo.com/ after creating a game account

PokeMMO is not affiliated or associated with any other company. All logos, trademarks, and trade names used herein are the property of their respective owners.

Details for PokeMMO

  • Proprietary

Last updated
  • 22 February 2025 - latest/stable

  • pokemmo.com (Verified ownership) The publisher has verified that they own this domain. It does not guarantee the Snap is an official upload from the upstream project.


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Install PokeMMO on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using PokeMMO