CrypTool 1

CrypTool 1

Snapcrafters Publisher Star developer Star developer

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CrypTool 1 is e-learning software for cryptography and cryptoanalysis.

CrypTool 1 (CT1) is a free program for cryptography and cryptanalysis. CT1 is available in 6 languages, and it is the most widespread e-learning software of its kind.

CT1 supports both contemporary teaching methods at schools and universities as well as awareness training for employees and civil servants. The program can be downloaded here.

Originally designed as an internal business application for information security training, CrypTool 1 has since developed into an important open-source project in the field of cryptology and IT security awareness.

The current version of CrypTool 1 offers among other things:

  • Numerous classic and modern cryptographic algorithms (encryption and decryption, key generation, secure passwords, authentication, secure protocols, etc.)
  • Visualization of several algorithms (Caesar, Enigma, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, digital signatures, AES, etc.)
  • Cryptanalysis of several algorithms (Vigenère, RSA, AES, etc.)
  • Cryptanalytical measurement methods (entropy, n-grams, autocorrelation, etc.)
  • Related auxiliary methods (primality tests, factorization, base64 encoding, etc.)
  • Number theory tutorial
  • Comprehensive online help

This snap uses Wine

This snap contains a Windows application. It runs on Linux using the Wine compatibility layer. Some features may not work correctly due to the differences between Windows and Wine.

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This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community, and is not necessarily endorsed or officially maintained by the upstream developers.

Details for CrypTool 1

  • GPL-2.0

Last updated
  • 20 September 2022 - latest/stable
  • 16 November 2023 - latest/edge



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