Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism Checker

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Channel Version Published

Most Advanced Plagiarism Checker app to Detect Duplicate Content in Seconds.

Our plagiarism checker on the Snap Store is designed to fetch results from millions of online databases to find the plagiarized text in your work.

It uses the latest AI technology to fetch results online, generates sentence-wise plagiarism results, and finds the actual source of copied text.

How to Use Plagiarism Checker?

To use our similarity checker, firstly, download it from the Snap store and create a user account on it.

Once you create the account, simply login into the plagiarism checker software and follow the below guideline:

  • Type or paste your content directly into the input box.
  • Or, choose a file from the local storage of your PC/Laptop.
  • Tap on the Check Plagiarism button.
  • Hit the Clear Text button to start a new session.

Useful Features of Plagiarism Checker App

Our plagiarism detection app comes with a simple and easy-to-use interface.

Some of the main features of this application are:

  • Files Importing Option

If your content is in the form of a document and you want to check its originality, then use this feature.

It allows you to import the below file types from the local storage in it:

  • .TXT

  • .PDF

  • .DOC

  • Generates Accurate Results

Our similarity checker app uses AI technology and compares the input text with millions of online databases to find its plagiarism.

After checking your text for any plagiarism, it provides a quick sentence-wise plagiarism report within a blink of an eye.

  • Tell the Content Uniqueness

Apart from the copied content, this app also tells the uniqueness of the input content.

It provides the exact percentage of both unique and plagiarized content written in your content.

  • Finds the Plagiarized Source

This feature finds the original source of the plagiarized phrase or sentence in your content. It further allows you to copy the URL of matched content with one click.

  • Save Result Option

You can use this feature to save the plagiarism report into the local storage of your system only in PDF format.

  • Reports Accessibility

This plagiarism checker app automatically saves each plagiarism report in its History. You can easily access your previously checked files in this section and can download or delete them whenever you want.

  • Free and Secure

Our plagiarism detection app for Linux doesn’t require any registration fees to check content’s originality.

It is completely free and secure to use for all purposes. We value your privacy and never save or share your content with any third parties.

Details for Plagiarism Checker

  • unset

Last updated
  • 4 March 2023 - latest/stable



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Install Plagiarism Checker on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using Plagiarism Checker

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 24.10