The custom-device interface

The custom-device interface permits access to a device of a specific class and model without requiring the creation of an interface for that device alone. It’s intended to be used with Ubuntu Core and its scope and specification are defined as part of the gadget snap for the deployed Ubuntu Core image.

To permit access, the application snaps defines a custom-device plug, which is associated with a corresponding and identically-named custom-device slot in the gadget snap.

Under specific and appropriate circumstances, it is possible to define the slot directly from the consuming application itself, together with the plug, which is an acceptable approach for applications that will be widely distributed but support very specific hardware.

Using the custom-device requires Store approval and permissions, both to allow the presence of the slot, and to set up elements such as the slot self-connecting exactly to the plug on the app. The more specific the tagging information provided by the slot, the easier it will be to allow for this.

The slot-side of the interface is used to derive which udev rules are provided to the plug-side of the connection:

    interface: custom-device
    custom-device: my-dual-sd-device
      - /dev/DualSD

To prevent connection to arbitrary custom-device slots, the plug and slot must share the same custom-device attributes, including the name of the plug or slot:

    interface: custom-device
    custom-device: my-dual-sd-device
    plugs: [dual-sd]

When the slot and plug are connected, a udev rule is automatically generated and tagged for the plug side for each device path in the devices and read-devices attributes, such as:


Note that here, the default udev KERNEL rule is the full device path following the leading /dev/. Depending on the device drivers, some devices expect the KERNEL rule to be only the basename of the device path, even if that device is in a subdirectory of /dev/. For this reason, when udev-tagging attributes are not given for a device which is in a subdirectory of /dev/, default KERNEL rules are generated for both the basename and for the full device path following the leading /dev/.

If the udev-tagging attribute is used, this default udev rule is replaced with more specific rules, as described below. When a device name in the kernel attribute does not match the device path listed in the devices section, such as if the KERNEL udev attribute is different than the /dev/... path, an optional for-device attribute can be added to establish a correspondence, such that both udev matching rules and the AppArmor profile is generated correctly.

Requires snapd version 2.55+, while udev-tagging.for-device attribute support requires snapd version 2.66+.

Interface documentation:

See Interface management and Supported interfaces for further details on how interfaces are used.

Developer details

Auto-connect: no
Super-privileged: yes


  • custom-device (optional) (plug, slot): A label for the custom device.
    The label must be identical across the plug and slot connections.
    If omitted, the label defaults to either local slot name or local plug name.
  • devices (slot): paths to device nodes.
    Example: devices: [/dev/input/event[0-9], /dev/input/mice]
  • files (optional) (slot):
    • read (slot): list of files and/or directories for read-only access by the device.
      Example: read: [ /dev/input/by-id/* ]
    • write (slot): list of files and/or directories for read/write access by the device.
      Example: write: [ /etc/file-write, /etc/dir-write ]
  • read-devices (optional) (slot): paths to device nodes for read-only access. Example: read-devices: [ /dev/js* ]
  • udev-tagging (optional): used to tailor the generated udev rules. Can be one of the following:
    • kernel: (mandatory): maps to the string used as the udev KERNEL== filter rule.
    • subsystem: corresponds to the SUBSYSTEM== filters in a udev rule.
    • environment: a map of expected environment variables for the udev rule to match with ENV{...}=="..."
    • attributes: a map of attributes used with ATTR{...}=="..."
    • for-device: indicates which device the udev-tagging snippet refers to

Code examples

A truncated example showing how the subsystem and attributes can be used:

     - kernel: hiddev0
       subsystem: usb
         idVendor: "0x03f0" # HP
     - kernel: hiddev1
       subsystem: usb
         idVendor: "0x03fc" # ECS

An example slot declaration showing the how the kernel environment settings can be used with a custom joystick interface:

    interface: custom-device
    custom-device: custom-joystick
      - /dev/input/js{[0-9],[12][0-9],3[01]}
      - /dev/input/event[0-9]*
        - /run/udev/data/c13:{6[5-9],[7-9][0-9],[1-9][0-9][0-9]*}
        - /run/udev/data/c13:{[0-9],[12][0-9],3[01]}
        - /sys/devices/**/input[0-9]*/capabilities/*
      - kernel: input/event[0-9]*
        subsystem: input
          ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK: "1"

The above example will generate the following udev tags:

spec.TagDevice(`SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="input/event[0-9]*", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=="1"`) 

The following example shows the udev-tagging syntax:

        interface: custom-device
          - /dev/video[0-9]
            - /sys/bus/usb/devices
            - /sys/class/video4linux
            - /sys/kernel/debug/sleep_time
            - /proc/sys/vm/stat_interval
          - kernel: video[0-9]
            subsystem: v4l
              var1: foo
              var2: bar
              attr1: one
              attr2: two

An additional example, showing how to match udev rules with a device which appears at a different path under /dev/..:

        interface: custom-device
          - /dev/cpu/[0-9]*/msr
          - kernel: msr[0-9]*
            subsystem: msr
            for-device: /dev/cpu/[0-9]*/msr

The above example generates a udev rule to match KERNEL=="msr[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEM=="msr" and an AppArmor rule allowing read/write access through /dev/cpu/[0-9]*/msr.

The test code can be found in the snapd repository:

The source code for the interface is in the snapd repository:

Last updated 6 months ago.