The nodejs plugin

The nodejs plugin is useful when working with Node.js and npm JavaScript based parts.

This plugin can only be used with a base of either core18 or core. For core20 and core22, use the npm plugin instead.

Additional features and syntax are dependent on which base is being used, as outlined below:

The plugin uses node to install dependencies from package.json. It also sets up binaries defined in package.json by adding them to PATH.

This plugin uses the common plugin keywords as well as those for “sources”. For more information, see Snapcraft parts metadata.

base: core18 | core

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • nodejs-version (string; default: 8.12.0) The version of node.js you want the snap to run on. For example: nodejs-version: 8.12.0
  • nodejs-package-manager (string; default: yarn) The language package manager to use to drive installation of node packages. Can be either npm or yarn (default).
  • nodejs-yarn-version (string) The version of the yarn package manager to use to drive installation of node packages. Currently, this must start with a v, for example: nodejs-yarn-version: v1.19.1

For examples, search GitHub for projects already using the plugin.

Requires Snapcraft version 3.x.

This is a snapcraft plugin. See Snapcraft plugins and Supported plugins for further details on how plugins are used.

Last updated 1 year, 16 days ago.