The store listing page of your application is an important tool to increase its visibility and discoverability. This listing is shown in the online Snap Store, the desktop app and in various other graphical store frontends such as GNOME Software and KDE Discover.
A snap’s most important descriptive metadata, initially taken from its snapcraft.yaml, can be conveniently edited from the Snap Store’s web UI. The following fields are vitally important to help users find what they’re looking for:
* Foo
Use the Additional information section to add a license for your project, and also to select whether you want users to see where your snap is being used.
Under Website and contact links, include a link to the application website or product page so users can find out more about related products and services. The Contact link is intended to direct users to somewhere they can provide feedback about the application. It should point to a support site, forum or bug tracker.
The Snap Advocacy team love accurate and detailed metadata because they can create effective social campaigns and blog posts to highlight an application. Similarly, it can help to provide a brief functional overview in the Description and provide links for further detailed documentation.
Second only in importance to the quality of a snap’s metadata is the addition screenshots and other media to allow prospective users to preview the application.
Uploading an icon or a logo will significantly improves the appearance of the application listing in graphical storefronts.
Icon/logo requirements:
this icon will only be used in graphical stores frontends, not the desktop menu and dock. Those use the icon specified in the desktop entry files: Desktop files for menu integration.
Each store entry can feature up to 5 screenshots (or animated GIFs). If the application is cross-platform, please upload screenshots taken from a Linux workstation rather than reusing screenshots from other platforms. The images or GIFs need to fit the following requirements:
Screenshot requirements:
PNG-formatted icons, logos and screenshots look better than JPEG.
The above image shows how a banner and banner icon (top right) are used by the Snap Store.
Each week, the Snap Advocacy team will choose an application as the No.1 featured Snap in the store. Only Snaps with a banner qualify for promotion in the top spot. Uploading a banner does not guarantee the application will be featured, but it helps and the No.1 Editor’s Pick will typically generate a significant volume of new users.
Banner requirements:
Here’s an example banner:
Last updated 11 months ago.