These are the release notes for Snapcraft 3.5.
For general details, including installation instructions, see Snapcraft overview, or take a look at Snapcraft release notes for other Snapcraft releases.
A new hidden command for this release is promote, which allows you to release a set of revisions as a build set.
A build set is a collection of snap revisions that meet a certain criteria, such as a set of revisions released to a channel.
For example. the following uses promote to move build set from beta to candidate:
$ snapcraft promote --from-channel beta --to-channel candidate snapcraft
snapcraft promote does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
Build set information for 'beta'
Arch Revision Version
amd64 2947 3.5
arm64 2952 3.5
armhf 2951 3.5
i386 2949 3.5
ppc64el 2950 3.5
s390x 2948 3.5
Do you want to promote the current set to the 'candidate' channel? [y/N]:
This feature is currently under development, which means the promote command syntax may change.
The issues and features worked on for 3.5 can be seen on the 3.5 launchpad milestone which are reflected in the following change list:
Last updated 5 years ago.