Snapcraft metrics

The snapcraft metrics command is used to track installation and usage statistics for snaps published with your developer account.

A selection of metrics are also visible from the Snap Store web UI. See Snap Store metrics for details.

To ensure you have the correct and updated permissions to access metrics, we recommend using snapcraft logout and snapcraft login the first time this feature is used. See Credentials for more details.


The snapcraft metrics command takes the following arguments:

snapcraft metrics <snap-name> --name <metric-name> \
--start <start-date> --end <end-date> [--format=(json|table)]
Parameter Required/Optional Type Description
<snap-name> required string Name of snap.
name required string Name of supported metric (see below).
start optional string of format YYYY-MM-DD Start of date range to request (must not be later than today’s date). Defaults to yesterday.
end optional string of format YYYY-MM-DD End (inclusive) of date range to request (must not be later than today’s date). Defaults to yesterday.
format required string Output format.

Supported metrics

The following metrics (<metric-name>) are supported:

  • daily_device_change: contains the 3 series representing the number of new, continued and lost devices with the given snap installed compared to the previous day.
  • installed_base_by_channel: contains one series per channel representing the number of devices with the given snap installed, channels with no data across the entire interval are omitted.
  • installed_base_by_country: contains one series per country representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.
  • installed_base_by_operating_system: contains one series per operating_system representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.
  • installed_base_by_version: contains one series per version representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.
  • installed_base_by_architecture: contains one series per architecture representing the number of devices with the given snap installed.
  • weekly_device_change: similar to the ‘daily_device_change’ metric but operates on a 7 day window. i.e. new contains the number of devices that were seen during the last 7 days but not in the previous 7 day and so on for continued and lost.
  • weekly_installed_base_by_channel: similar to the installed_base_by_channel metric but operates in a 7 day window.
  • weekly_installed_base_by_country: similar to the installed_base_by_country metric but operates in a 7 day window.
  • weekly_installed_base_by_operating_system: similar to the installed_base_by_operating_system metric but operates in a 7 day window.
  • weekly_installed_base_by_version: similar to the installed_base_by_version metric but operates in a 7 day window.
  • weekly_installed_base_by_architecture: similar to the installed_base_by_architecture metric but operates in a 7 day window.

Each metric has a query that includes a start and end date. The returned data, if available, will include all the days in-between. Weekly installed numbers still generated daily with the provided numbers being the averages for the 7 day window ending on the specified day.

Output format

The snapcraft metrics command outputs either as JSON string or a table.

JSON output

When using --format=json, a JSON string matching the response from the Snap Store API server for the given metric is output.

This output is driven and provided by the Snap Store API and may be extended in the future.

Example daily_device_change output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name daily_device_change \
--start 2021-07-01 --end 2021-07-01 --format=json
{'buckets': ['2021-07-01'], 'metric_name': 'daily_device_change',
'series': [{'name': 'continued', 'values': [66]}, {'name': 'lost', 'values': [55]},
{'name': 'new', 'values': [77]}], 'snap_id': '<snap-id>', 'status': 'OK'}

If the JSON object returned from the API is response, snapcraft will output the pertinent data at response["metrics"][0]. The relevant API documentation can be found on

Table output

When using --format=table, a table-based interpretation of the returned data, with columns for the requested date ranges and rows of the requested data series, is output.

As the output for most queries will be large, a pager is used to make the output more easily navigable. It is recommended that the user output this to a file and use an editor of choice.

if the query returns with a “None” data point, it is replaced with a “-” to indicate zero (or not applicable depending on context).

Example table output

Example daily_device_change output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name daily_device_change \
--start 2021-07-01 --end 2021-07-01 --format=table
Devices    2021-07-01
Continued  49
Lost       21
New        19

Example installed_base_by_channel output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name installed_base_by_channel \
--start 2021-07-01 --end 2021-07-01 --format=table
Channel    2021-07-01  2021-07-02  2021-07-03
Beta       245         255         240
Candidate  1           1           0
Edge       68          78          85
Stable     401         405         409

Example installed_base_by_country output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name installed_base_by_country \
--start 2021-07-01 --end 2021-07-01 --format=table
Country  2021-07-01  2021-07-02  2021-07-03
Ar       6           6           6
At       2           2           1
Au       6           6           3
Be       3           3           2
Bg       1           2           1
Br       14          14          10
Ca       12          13          12
Ch       3           3           2
Cl       0           1           1
Cn       3           2           2
Co       1           1           1
Cy       1           1           0
Cz       1           1           0
De       12          9           10
Dk       1           2           1
Es       9           10          8
Fi       1           1           1
Fr       8           8           8
Gb       30          27          21
Ge       0           1           1
Gr       4           4           3
Hk       1           1           1
Hu       3           2           2
Id       1           1           1
Ie       2           2           2
Im       3           3           3
In       12          12          11
It       6           9           4
Jp       1           1           1
Ke       1           1           1
Lt       1           0           0
Nl       4           4           6
None     50          48          31
Np       1           0           0
Nz       2           3           3
Pk       2           2           1
Pl       5           5           4
Pt       5           5           3
Qa       1           1           1
Ro       1           1           1
Ru       5           5           5
Se       8           7           6
Sg       2           2           2
Sk       4           2           2
Tr       6           5           6
Tw       5           5           5
Us       53          44          39
Uy       2           2           2
Vn       1           0           0

Example installed_base_by_operating_system output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name installed_base_by_operating_system --start 2021-07-01 --end 2021-07-01 --format=table
OS                2021-07-01  2021-07-02  2021-07-03
Arch/             2           1           1
Centos/7          2           2           2
Debian/10         3           3           2
Elementary/5.1.7  2           2           2
Elementary/6      1           0           0
Fedora/34         1           1           1
Linuxmint/20.1    1           1           1
Manjaro/          1           2           1
Pop/20.10         1           1           1
Pop/21.04         1           1           1
Ubuntu/16.04      10          10          11
Ubuntu/18.04      68          66          77
Ubuntu/19.04      1           1           0
Ubuntu/19.10      1           1           1
Ubuntu/20.04      255         260         250
Ubuntu/20.10      9           9           7
Ubuntu/21.04      88          92         99
Ubuntu/21.10      2           2           5

Example installed_base_by_version output:

$ snapcraft metrics my-snap --name installed_base_by_version --start 2021-07-01 --end 
Version  2021-07-01  2021-07-02  2021-07-03
2.4.3             1           0           0
2.4.4             1           1           1
2.4.5             4           4           4
2.5.0            28          28          16

Handling credentials

The Snap Store metrics API, used by the snapcraft metrics command, requires the package_metrics permission granted for the given credentials of the current snapcraft user.

Any currently logged in user will not have this permission granted to their existing cached credentials. They will likely require re-authentication to obtain it. Future logins will not require re-authentication as Snapcraft will request this permission during all future logins.

If you see an error such as the following, it’s likely you need to use snapcraft logout followed by snapcraft login to refresh your credentials:

- Code: macaroon-permission-required
  Message: Permission "package_metrics" is required as a macaroon caveat.
  Extra: {'permission': 'package_metrics'}

Last updated 9 months ago.